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Agatized Dinosaur Bone

Agatized Dinosaur Bone

SKU: 364215376135199

The red puddles in this stone are the blood cells of a dinosaur, as seen above, with a light source behind it. This is an extremely high quality piece and rare petrified dinosaur bone that has been agatized in the same manner as petrified wood. It is the clearest and most unique piece Lance has ever seen in 30 years as a master jeweler.


As you can see, it is very translucent. This bone is in rough form, meaning it hasn't been polished and would make a stunning custom piece of jewelry, sparking a lively discussion. This dinosaur bone stone is 7ct weight, 18.5mm outside diameter and 2mm in depth. 

This particular stone can assist in helping to understand the meaning of the oneness and to help facilitate strength into moving forward in life. Think of how powerful and massive dinosaurs were, back in their day.

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