Assorted Azurite-Malachite
This is a set of five Azurite-Malachite stones. The two stones on the top are Malachite. The stone on the upper left top of the photo is a malachite nugget, good for the back of a spider, set in a gold or silver spider pendant. It measures, 16mm width and 20mm height, top down from smallest part to bottom of large bulbous part.
The Malachite on the upper right is a malachite nugget cut in half to reveal what is inside of the nugget. This stone is a 15mm and 5mm thick free-form stone, ready to be polished or used as a healing tool.
The large Azurite-Malachite free-form stone on the bottom right is 42mm width at the widest point, 33mm width at the shortest point and transitions to a 4mm\6mm thickness, from one side to the other. This is a good stone for a custom made pendant.
The Azurite-Malachite on the lower right of the photograph is, 23mm x 23mm and 4mm depth.
Azurite-Malachite: is said to help in flexibility and assists in meditation to help in the process of coming from the darkness, leading into the light, by easing fear.
Malachite: Is a stone of transformation and is said to assist in clearing all chakras.