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Is your third eye open?

How to open your third eye
Opening Your Third Eye

Is your third eye open? Repeatedly, my hypnosis clients tell me their third eye is not open. I help them to “see” it is indeed open. The third eye, or mind’s eye, is located in the 6th chakra energy center. The pineal gland located in the brain, behind the third ventricle, between the two hemispheres of the cerebrum is a component of our third eye mechanism. The pineal secretes a substance called melatonin and provides us the vision of the third eye.  The pineal gland has a rich supply of nerves that are sensitive to the adrenal gland hormone known as epinephrine. The other name for epinephrine is adrenalin.

I experienced first hand the relationship of epinephrine and the pineal gland, in the form of an instantaneous activation of my third eye. In the mid nineties, when my previous husband flew to London on a business trip, he passed out on the plane. When he landed at Gatwick airport, he called me, reported the event, and asked what should he do. At the time of his call (3 am Arizona time), I was deep asleep. Naturally, being concerned for my loved one and being presented to make a split second decision, my adrenalin kicked in and surged through my blood stream. I sat up, in full alert position, heart pounding from the adrenaline rush, my third eye opened and I saw in the middle of the air in my bedroom, a very detailed algorithm to make a medical decision. I had never seen this algorithm in my current lifetime, even as a critical care nurse. 

With this information, I instructed my husband to continue the business trip, and that a doctor will be waiting at the hotel when he checked in. I called the hotel front desk in London, and advised them that a doctor will need to examine my husband when he checks in. They graciously agreed to do so. The business hotels in Europe have doctors on call for emergencies. Later, I was told the medical doctor came to the same conclusion I did as to the cause for my husband passing out on the flight. My husband was fine and he completed his business trip as planned. Upon his return home, further diagnostics by my husband’s medical doctor in Phoenix, Arizona confirmed the same conclusion: a gas bubble in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thank goodness, our third eye isn’t always dependent on the surge of adrenalin rushing through our circulation for it to open. We’d all be exhausted. There are several ways to experience the third eye, and this is what I want to share with you. The third eye can be experienced through our memories. When we tell a story from our childhood, or even an experience we had yesterday morning, images in our mind appear. These images are the third eye. When we dream at night and remember the dream elements, this is our third eye. When we go to the movies, return home and call a friend to tell them about the movie, our memory of the movie and the images we see as we tell the story, are the third eye.

And here’s another one; if I told you right now, there’s a big yellow juicy lemon on the kitchen counter in your home, did you just see one? Most people will. Most people have experienced taking a lemon, cutting it in half, and squeezing it to add to a recipe or ice tea beverage. They are remembering the lemon and the activity of cutting it and squeezing it. Our memories are an example of the third eye. Daydreaming and using our imagination to focus on something we desire, is another way we use our third eye.

When you read a book, do you have images in your mind as you read the experience? This is your third eye. The author of the article or book writes with descriptive words and sentences that activate the pineal gland to open your third eye, because the author wants you to be in the scene so you can feel and know what it is like for the character of the story.

When we activate more love into our bodies and energy systems, such as through a Reiki attunement, our third eye activates. I remember on the drive home from my first Reiki attunement class, I saw circles around the birds flying in the sky. I learned that this is my third eye showing me the aura of the birds. Since then, I can see the collective aura around the jets, helicopters and all birds flying in the sky. Once you get used to it, you become more comfortable with this new ability, and it expands to other areas in your life.

Our Higher Self, angels and guides use our third eye to communicate messages to us during our dream time. These messages are revealed through the imagery and the scenes we see in our dreams. When we meditate, we close our eyes and we see images, symbols, and even movies. This is our third eye.

And lastly, when we relax down into deep theta level hypnosis, such as during a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, our third eye opens and we see and experience whatever the Higher Self wants to show us, to help us understand ourselves and our journey.

Enhance Third Eye Function

To enhance our third eye function, keeping our physical bodies hydrated is the key. Water in our bodies is the vehicle for the transmission of energies and information. I have heard the Higher Self say to my clients in their QHHT sessions, “Drink more water if you want a close connection with us.”


Physical body movement through exercise, tai chi, qi gong and yoga, are additional enhancements that facilitate the pineal gland to operate. Increasing oxygen to our brains through deep breathing will enhance the third eye to open.

Consistent meditation practice is also important for communications with our Higher Self. A daily practice of meditation and allowing the images to come forward, will enhance the third eye function. It takes practice and patience to develop our third eye communications. Our Higher Self communicates messages to us using the symbology of images, pictures and movies. Even seeing nothing but a black screen is a message. Communications from the Higher Self is like the ebb and flow of the ocean tides. Take advantage of those “blank screens” as the repose in the quantum field of tranquility. Maybe, that is what you are needing at that very moment. 

Finally, our third eye can operate with our eyes closed and with our eyes open. This is the innate ability of the human being. Find comfort knowing this. We can enhance the third eye function with certain stones, crystals, essential oils and color. I will write more about these tools in another article.

Blessings and love,

Barbara Becker

If you have physical, mental or emotional illness, or need to clear your chakras and energy fields to attain optimum health, a channeled healing can be given over the internet via the zoom platform.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) private sessions provide the opportunity for you to heal yourself, find out where you are from and your life purpose. Find out the missions you agreed to perform here on Earth and elsewhere. Receive guidance and a solid connection with your Higher Self. 


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