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Developing Your Awareness to Communicate with Your Higher Self: Part 2

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Buddha meditating in the clouds.
Communicate with your Higher Self in other ways

Sensations in our bodies

Now that you are practicing becoming aware of your environment and the sounds you hear, let’s bring it in closer; to your body. Your physical human body is designed to be a communication device between you and your Higher Self. When you hear someone say a particular word or phrase in a story, you feel chills in your body and you see goose bumps on your skin, your Higher Self is telling you to pay attention to what was just said, or to listen carefully. It could also mean your Higher Self is trying to communicate confirmation to you. However, in all these years you’ve been programmed not to listen or heed the sensations in your body. Give yourself permission to believe and trust when those chills and goosebumps show up. Stop doubting yourself. Doubt is the number one stumbling block to receiving messages from Spirit. This also applies also to when you are speaking to someone and the chills and goosebumps are experienced. This means you are speaking truth and this is a good thing.

Number Sequences

Another way to receive messages from your Higher Self is to notice number sequences such as 111, 222, 444, 777, etc. Do you also notice seeing those numbers usually occur when you’re not specifically and consciously seeking them? In other words, you just happen to glance at the clock and the numbers are there. That is your Higher Self causing you to look. Then, you blink your eyes and recognize there is a number sequence on the clock. You smile. Now, take that moment and realize what did you just hear, or what did you just say or think? It could even happen when you are reading a book or an article. You glance over at the clock and you see the numbers. 

When you are driving your vehicle and you see a license plate with a number sequence, that is also a communication from your Higher Self. Thanks to many drivers who chose a personalized license plate, we can receive messages while we drive and stop at traffic lights. Although angel communicators and psychics have written in books and articles the meaning of the number sequences, I have found the message for the numbers is simple. In numerous hypnosis sessions over the years, my client’s Higher Self has stated the number sequences were given to merely get the attention of the client to let them know their guides and angels are here with them. We are never alone. It just may feel that way in the third dimensional physical world. 


Noticing resistance in our life is another way for the Higher Self to communicate to us. Whatever decision you make regarding an action, take the action, then see what happens. If there is resistance in the form of something not working out, not being available, or some other sign that what you want did not come into fruition, then pull back. The timing is not right. There could be something better for you down the road. If the action you take works out very easily and effortlessly, then it is meant to be. Why fight against the stress of forcing something? 

Another way of seeing and responding to resistance is allowing what is to be. For example, if I am meant to go on a day trip out of town to a particular destination, then I will have the funds, the vehicle and everything I need to do so. If not, I don’t go on the trip. If I am meant to purchase a particular item online, then I will find it easily and the price will be great. If not, then I let it go and wait for an opportunity in the future for it to appear. It could be months or years in the future I find myself no longer needing or wanting that item. A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about manifesting a sewing machine. I had wanted a machine with all the bells and whistles. I even put a picture of it on my vision board. The machine didn’t come into my reality. A year later, I told my Higher Self that I didn’t need such a fancy machine and that I would accept a machine that was newer than the one I had. I let go of the expectation of the machine I had on my vision board, decreasing the resistance and allowed whatever my Higher Self thought would be best for me. The machine I found was perfect for me and at an amazing low price!


Trusting your intuition, trusting your messages and trusting your Higher Self that it knows exactly what you need, facilitates communication and increased awareness. Always keep in mind, the universe is always listening to your thoughts and is supporting you and everyone, 24/7.

Blessings and love,

Barbara Becker

If you have physical, mental or emotional illness, or need to clear your chakras and energy fields to attain optimum health, a channeled healing can be given over the internet via the zoom platform.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) private sessions provide the opportunity for you to heal yourself, find out where you are from and your life purpose. Find out the missions you agreed to perform here on Earth and elsewhere. Receive guidance and a solid connection with your Higher Self. 


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