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Rose Quartz- The Stone of Love

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra and can be used to increase unconditional love for yourself and others. When you are in a state of unconditional love, stress, anxiety and fear cannot occupy your mind, thus creating peace within yourself.

Wearing rose quartz or touching one in your pocket, will give you constant contact with the energies of this loving stone. This will remind you, much like an affirmation, you are love and all is love. 

Sharing a true story, from 2013, a four-year old girl was upset and crying. She was given a polished heart shaped rose quartz to place in her pocket. She was instructed to rub it anytime she felt uncomfortable for any reason. Within minutes, an energetic explosion of love was felt in the room by the adults sitting in their chairs. That love traveled outward in all directions, out to the community. If you have a star child, consider giving them a rose quartz to help them interact with others and experience their lifetime on Earth. 

Healing with rose quartz can help balance chaotic emotions pertaining to interactions with co-workers, family members, friends, neighbors, environments and frustrating situations. The loss of a loved one can be softened with rose quartz. 

Rose quartz can be used during ceremonies. This stone can be placed in a room where someone has passed and can be given as a gift to Spirit or returned to Mother Earth as an expression of your love, honor, respect and gratitude for her during your hikes and camping trips. 

This stone of love can open any blocks in any of the chakras of the human body, because love is the most powerful healer of all. Rose quartz can help you to tap into past life experiences that you hold fear in your consciousness and release those fears, because you are the only one that can pour the perfect amount of love into it. When a person heals themselves through love, the parts of their consciousness that lay dormant before, awaken and are able to receive greater levels of love, thus promoting healing. 

It does not matter the size of the stone, nor the shape of it, rose quartz is activated through your intention and belief. Through activation of the unlimited levels of love, rose quartz is complimentary to help the person see and know love is growing more inside of themselves, through the repetition of using rose quartz as a tool on their spiritual journey. 

We recommend you keep a rose quartz with you or by your bedside, to help you receive and give more love to yourself and others in your life. 

Wishing you many blessings on your spiritual journey,

Lance Heard and Barbara Becker


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